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2022 Targeted DER RFP

Distributed energy resources (“DERs”), including demand response (“DR”), are a significant component of PSE’s preferred portfolio from the 2021 Integrated Resource Plan (“IRP”) and represent a piece of PSE’s strategy for achieving the targets laid out under the Clean Energy Transformation Act (“CETA”). In addition to its All-Source RFP, PSE issued a DER Request for Information (“RFI”), and is issuing a targeted RFP for DERs, including demand response.

After filing a draft with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (“WUTC”) on April 1, 2021, and a subsequent public comment period, on May 14, 2021, PSE issued a RFI for DERs. The DER RFI enhanced PSE’s understanding of DER options available in its service territory and informed the development of a well-designed targeted DER RFP. In 2021, PSE also developed the requirements for a virtual power plant (“VPP”) platform that will be used to dispatch DERs, including demand response. PSE expects that a common VPP platform will provide additional value to PSE customers and clarity to DER bidders by identifying specific integration and operational requirements.

Using the knowledge gained through the RFI process, PSE filed the draft targeted DER RFP with the WUTC on November 15, 2021, in docket UE-210878, which incorporates the technical and operational requirements of the VPP platform. A revised DER RFP was filed on January 14, 2022, incorporating public comments, with the WUTC approving the updated filing on January 27, 2022. The final DER RFP was filed February 7, 2022. PSE will accept proposals for the DER RFP from February 7, 2022 till 11:59 PM PST on March 21, 2022.

Updates to the schedule and documents will be published below, as well as sent to stakeholders. To be added to the DER RFP stakeholder distribution list, contact

Stakeholders should note that PSE issued an All-Source RFP on June 30, 2021. Consistent with WAC 480-107-009(4), PSE will compare the shortlists from both RFPs in a combined analysis to ensure an optimal portfolio.

The following estimated schedule is subject to adjustment based on the actual pace of the evaluation process. More information on the Targeted DER RFP process and timeline will be provided throughout the process.


To submit a bid for the 2022 DER RFP, qualified respondents must create and register an account at PSE’s RFP submission portal.

  • Targeted DER RFP Schedule

    The following estimated schedule is subject to adjustment based on Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (“WUTC”) review and the actual pace of the evaluation process. More information on the Targeted DER RFP process and timeline will be provided throughout the process.



    April 1, 2021

    DER RFI filed with the WUTC as Informational Filing Open for Comment

    May 14, 2021

    Issue DER RFI

    June 30, 2021

    Written responses to DER RFI due by 5pm PDT

    Apr. – Sep., 2021

    Develop technical and operational requirements for a VPP platform

    November 15, 2021

    File draft Targeted DER RFP

    December 30, 2021

    Public comment period ends for DER RFP

    January 31, 2022

    WUTC review period ends; decision anticipated1

    February 7, 2022

    Issue final DER RFP

    February 28, 2022

    PSE hosts Respondents’ conference

    March 21, 2022

    Offers due to PSE

    April 20, 2022

    PSE posts compliance report consistent with the requirements of WAC 480-107-035 (5)

    Q2 2022

    PSE completes Phase 1 screening process and selects Phase 2 candidates, notifies Respondents

    Q3 2022

    PSE selects DER RFP short list, notifies Respondents

    End of Q3 – Start of Q4 2022

    Concurrent Evaluation begins

    1Interested parties may also obtain information about the timing of future open meetings, access information and agendas on the Open Meetings page of the WUTC web site.

  • Updates and Notifications

    As the RFP process progresses and new information becomes available, PSE will update this portion of the website to include information related to a variety of RFP topics.

    Q&A from bidders and interested parties

    Questions about the draft DER RFP may be directed to PSE’s PSE will periodically tabulate and post questions received and PSE’s responses for the benefit of all interested parties. PSE will not include company names, project names, contact information or other identifying descriptors in the Q&A posted to the website.

    • Q&A from bidders and interested parties from RFP mailbox and bidders’ conference (updated 3/24/2022)
      [Note to bidders: PSE has provided an update to Exhibit B based on question #32 in the Bidder Conference Q&A sheet.]

    RFP Docket Updates (UE-210878)

    Interested parties can find information about the 2022 DER RFP approval process and any subsequent updates on the WUTC's web site in the DER RFP docket UE-210878. PSE will post here a compliance report within 30 days after the close of the bidding period, consistent with the requirements of WAC 480-107-035(5).

    • PSE posts a proposal summary report pursuant to WAC 480-107-035(5) , which includes an attachment containing a summary of each proposal and offer received. PSE also files an informational filing in docket UE-210878, in an effort to make this information more broadly available to stakeholders. (posted 4/19/22)
    • 2022 DER RFP cover letter and final filed to WUTC docket UE-210878 (updated 2/07/22)
    • 2022 DER RFP cover letter, response to public comments and revised final RFP filed to WUTC docket UE-210878 (updated 1/14/22)
    • 2022 DER RFP cover letter and draft filed to WUTC docket UE-210878 (updated 11/15/21)

    Reference Material:

    • DER RFP Interested Parties Contact List: The companies listed in this link are not participating bidders for the DER RFP, but interested in partnering with any potential bidders for sub-contracting or other functions. PSE does not guarantee the accuracy of any posted information, nor is PSE responsible for updating any such information. PSE may also choose at any time to remove the list or any information on it for any reason. The information is publicly posted on our DER RFP website so that potential bidders can, at their discretion, contact the companies directly for use in their projects.
    • PSE Electric and Dual Fuel Service Area Zip Codes (updated 6/16/21)
    • Interconnection information:, updated tech specs for small generation interconnection can be found in the folder “PSE TECH SPECS FOR INTERCONNECTION” under the file name “Tech Spec for NonJurisdictional Small Gen Interconnection” (updated 2/18/2022)
    • Business Impact NW ( will provide third-party support to all bidders who need assistance. They will only assist in proposal review and not aid in direct development or writing support. You can contact them at and they have provided a template for Category B bidders to fill out (Category B Template), similar to Exhibit B provided for Category A bidders. Business Impact NW is not an affiliate of PSE and is only an outside party providing proposal review from their expertise under no supervision from PSE. Any proposals reviewed by Business Impact NW will not be guaranteed a better standing in the RFP evaluation. Business Impact NW’s services are provided as an aid to bidders who require additional assistance in proposal development.
  • 2022 DER RFP Documents and Submission

    PSE filed the final DER RFP with the WUTC on February 7, 2022 in docket UE-210878. Interested parties can view and download the draft DER RFP by clicking the links below, or by visiting the WUTC's DER RFP docket UE-210878.

    Questions about the DER RFP may be submitted to the PSE will periodically tabulate and post questions received, and PSE’s responses for the benefit of all interested parties. PSE will not include company names, project names, contact information or other identifying descriptors in the Q&A posted to the website. See Updates and Notifications section above to view a current copy of the Q&A.

    2022 DER RFP Materials:

    RFP Main Document  (updated 02/07/2022)
    Exhibit A: Evaluation Criteria and Scoring  (updated 02/07/2022)
    Exhibit B: Proposal Requirements Forms for Category A  (updated 03/03/2022, applicable to all DR bidders filling out Tab 3c)

    • Exhibit B Supplement for DR proposals greater than 5 years  (posted 03/14/2022, include this excel in your proposal submission if your offer is for a DR program contracted longer than 5 years. This document should be submitted under the Document Type “Supplemental” when uploading onto the portal)

    Exhibit C: Proposal Requirement Form for Category B  (updated 02/07/2022)
    Exhibit D: Mutual Confidentiality Agreement PDF | Word  (updated 11/15/2021)
    Exhibit E: Schedule of Estimated Avoided Cost  (updated 02/07/2022)
    Exhibit F: Prototype Ownership Term Sheet PDF | Word  (updated 11/15/2021)
    Exhibit G: Prototype Capacity and/or Energy Agreement Term Sheet PDF | Word  (updated 11/15/2021)
    Exhibit H: Prototype Clean Energy Power Purchase Agreement Term Sheet PDF | Word  (updated 11/15/2021)
    Exhibit I: Master Services Agreement PDF | Word  (updated 11/15/2021)
    Exhibit J: Demand Response Addendum  (updated 02/07/2022)
    Exhibit K: Requirements List  (updated 02/07/2022)
    Exhibit L: Resources  (updated 02/07/2022)
    Exhibit M: Co-Branding and Customer Interaction Requirements  (updated 02/07/2022)
    Exhibit O: Vendor Questionnaire for Non-SaaS Provide  (updated 02/07/2022)
    Exhibit P: PSE Customer Consent Letter PDF | Word  (updated 11/15/2021)

  • 2021 RFI for DER

    Responses should be submitted by email to no later than 5 p.m. PDT on June 30, 2021, and are required to follow the response format outlined in the RFI, linked below.

    DER Materials:
    REQUEST FOR INFORMATION for Distributed Energy Resources
    Exhibit A. Prototype Clean Energy PPA Term Sheet

  • 2022 DER RFP Bidders’ Conference

    PSE hosted an online bidders’ conference on February 28, 2022 to provide information designed to help bidders prepare and submit their proposals. Click the links below to view the conference materials.

    Exhibit B has also been updated after questions posed during the Bidders’ Conference. Tab 3c of Exhibit B has had pricing units updated from ($/kW-event) to ($/kW-month). The changes are applicable for all DR respondents.

    Bidders are encouraged to submit questions to PSE’s Questions received through the RFP mailbox and during the conference will be posted to this web site for the benefit of all bidders.